New Monster Index

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

5 Magic Items II

5 Magic Items II

1. Rotting Axe: This +2 battle axe is merged with disease bearing symbiote. The symbiote is a semi-intelligent organism that requires it's diseased cells to be expelled daily. Failure to expel the diseased cells on another creature will have the axe spread it disease to the wielder. Every time the axe successful hits an opponent in combat they must save vs death or contract quick rot. Quick rot deal 1 hit point of damage per HD of the creature for a number of round equaling the creatures hit die. An 8HD creature would take 8 damage per round for 8 rounds. A save is allowed each round that the rot is festering. A save suppresses the disease for 1 round. If 24 hours pass without spreading the disease to another creature the wielder will automatically be subject to quick rot.

2. Flask of Distilled Fear: This bottle contains the distilled liquid of a fear causing undead. The flask is thrown like an oil weapon and upon impact will erupt in a 5' radius cloud of vapor. Those within the cloud must make a morale check or flee for 1d4+1 rounds. A morale check is allowed each round to regain composure and end the effect early. Creature immune to fear are not affected.

3. Surging Horse: This item is a riding-stick horse. A 6' wooden pole with a horses head at the top. Although some might dismiss this item as a simple children's toy it actually has magical properties. With one hand free the user can mount the stick to gain unnatural speed. 3 times a day the horse provide a speed surge for 1 round, which allows the user to move 3 times their movement and perform a charge while only being 10' away. However, the riding stick horse has a chance to buck each time a speed surge is used. Roll a d6 and on a roll of a 1 the horse bucks and throws the user to the ground prone.

4. Confectioner Rod: This 4' long rod is made of peppermint candy. The rod attacks as a quarterstaff and if a charge is expelled requires the opponent to make a save vs poison. Upon failure the opponent's top set of teeth fall out. The creature will bleed for 1d4 points of damage per round until cured or mended. If a second attack hits and another charged is spent then the bottom set of teeth fall out, which will bleed for another 1d4 points of damage until tended to. The rod is extremely effective against creatures who only have a bite attack.

5. Jar of Ghost Powder: This jar contains ground down bone powder from an victim who became an incorporeal undead. This powder can be coated on a melee weapon, which will allow them to hit an incorporeal undead who would need a magic weapon to be harmed.  It takes 1 round to apply the powder and the coated weapon only remain effective for 4 rounds. The 1st round being the most potent while the 4th round being much less effective. Each jar contains 3-5 applications. Refer to the chart below for damage dealt.

Round 1
Damage dealt is doubled
Round 2
Normal damage
Round 3
½ damage
Round 4
¼ damage

For another set of magic items, check out part 1 linked below.

artwork by Joanna Ballendorf

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